This is important to note. Also she puts up with my booli. The 1,300 MP cost is extremely significant especially if it is being spammed for AOE healing. Gradually restores the HP of all nearby party members. Fairly self explanatory, the function of this action is something possessed by every healer as well as Red Mage and Summoner. Let the party know you are going to delay a Chain Stratagem. Alevia Rohan for proofreading and editing. Deployment Tactics still incidentally costs the loss of a Broil III to use. Remember that Ruin II and Broil III do consume your MP as often as your other spells do. As a result, optimizing higher spell speed requires much greater attention to positioning for mechanics to minimize unnecessary movement and canceled casts. Try to time it so that you won’t need Seraph during the time you Dissipate. This ability is also useful to use on duo tank busters for mitigation and maintenance afterwards. An uncharged Earthly Star can be a gain over using an Indom even though uncharged it does less DPS and less healing. This will pull the target party member to your position. This is superior to using Indom or a GCD heal. Boards; Final Fantasy … There is no excuse to be idle. Biolysis allows you to weave, but it’s a lot less flexible than these other options. Generally, you want to avoid slow casting Resurrection if at all possible, instead pair with Swiftcast to minimize the cast time loss. Keep your GCD rolling. This is also incredibly important for progressing in Ultimate Raids and upper floors of savage tiers. This will spread the current value of the shield to the party. For more on opportunity costs, I recommend checking out Momo Sama’s Healer Optimization Guide: This definition is a relic of the past and should not exist now. For example, if there are two adds that you are using AoW on, and you need to move, an Art Of War gives you 2.5s after it is cast to move partially to your desired location. This PvP Action was part of a previous release of Final Fantasy XIV. This can be to both the Scholar’s benefit or their detriment. Being able to stack these healing increases results in some insane numbers in terms of shielding. FF14GILHUB Goal is to Better FFXIV Gil Service,Cheaper Final Fantasy XIV Gil! Avoid using other heals during the HoT’s duration if possible, as its ticks are wasted if you use an Indom to cap the party while the HoT is ticking. She provides a constant passive single target heal, essentially a regen, at no cost to the Scholar. Faerie Gauge. You aren’t micromanaging anything. Using Physick on a Summoner will never do much more than 1% of anyone's HP pool. Another 10% mitigation will further reduce the benefit. She was a big help in doing corrections to make the guide more legible. Finally, reducing GCD can also create clipping issues for oGCD heavy classes. The developers wanted to take some of the responsibility off of the healers, and give a bit more responsibility to the rest of the party. Job Quest, Emergency Tactics This is your first heal, a carry over from being an Arcanist. FFXIV Scholar (SCH) Basics Guide & FAQ – Shadowbringers Updated! you need to be logged in to save as favorite. Healer DPS is very important. These minibosses tend to be extremely short; for example, Twintania in the Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) had about a three minute enrage. We usually opt into whatever the highest item level gear is because it has more of this main stat. Having a fairy doesn't make up for it all, it doesn't make up the difference, in lower level content the fairy is decent at healing on its own, higher level content it doesn't do so much, and its skills help but often I am focusing healing but the healing output with … You get it at level 45 and use Aetherflow on Scholar to gain three stacks of it (buff and job gauge), these can at level 45 be used for either Lustrate (instant heal) or Energy Drain (danage + mp regen). All stacks should be used before recasting Aetherflow. However, the loss isn’t enough to warrant never clipping your GCD. This is probably the worst heal in the Scholar kit and should be avoided if at all possible. Some examples of this are when the party won’t survive without shielding, or when the party has to be at 100% HP. IMO the most EFFICIENT healing kit overall – this coming from a White Mage main. However that said, there are still conditions with a lot of party damage that happens early in a fight, but said fight then doesn’t have additional burst incoming damage for a while afterward that allows us to consider this. The Galvanize shield can be deployed to the entire party, while the Catalyze shield can not. Using collective to mitigate a raid wide and letting it tick to heal the party is incredibly useful during these times as well. It is cast by the Scholar in much the same way that Fey Blessing and Fey Union are. For extremely hard hitting mechanics such as Ion Efflux in O12s, a shield can be life or death for the survival of the party. Jump to: navigation, search. Three lily abilities in downtime becomes a net 600 potency DPS gain once Misery is used. Furthermore, because you don’t get the value out of the base heal on Adlo prepull, Excog ends with ~60 potency more value. The combination of its powerful healing options and raid utilities make it a force to be reckoned with. Warriors of Darkness. It also reduced party magic damage taken by 5%. The second example is if shielding a mechanic could save you an additional GCD heal. Aspected Helios or Medica II can potentially be a gain over using an Indomitability as well. In this case, Indom would have likely forced you to use another AoE healing tool. Make SURE your DPS are using their mitigation tools. For Scholar, we have several methods of shielding. It heals for approximately 224 potency in a 20y area around the fairy. Extends Galvanize effect cast on self or target to nearby party members. Raid buffs, like most other % increases, scale multiplicatively. Stayin Classy Highlander … While comfortable for first time progression, this is not always necessary, and is often a loss. Classy Thug. It reduces all damage within the effective area by 10%. It is important to know the difference between them being additive and multiplicative. She keeps the stats that the Scholar had when they were summoned, meaning that Embrace will remain at full power even after the Scholar has removed all of their gear. Stayin Classy Highlander … This gain applies to any GCD heal you can replace with an oGCD. The Faerie Gauge displays the current amount of fae aether you have accumulated via the use of offensive and healing magicks, as well as landing Aura Blast on enemies. It just does not scale as well as Critical Hit. There is a system of priorities used to determine what heal should be used at any given time. For example, Kefka’s Optimized Fire III hits 6/8 party members. This makes understanding how to use Eos or Selene much easier. This is dependent on 3 things: Clipping Biolysis early can be done in two situations: We either clip it 9th GCD on the back end of Trick Attack if we have a Ninja (NIN), or we clip it on the 10th GCD without one. It is used in the optimal opener and also aligns with every three minute raid buff window if used on cooldown. Gamepedia. Embrace is done automatically when she’s not casting anything else, and we have absolutely no control over it. Making it fall out of raid buffs is a loss for the rest of the encounter, every usage after will lose potency. Recitation Adlo is also useful for the case of Deployment Tactics. (but it seems it will be harder to restore) On top of that, Summoner's are a dot based class. It is instant cast, which means the cast of it can be used to reposition yourself for incoming mechanics and to weave. If you have a RDM/SMN, see if they can get the raise first, especially in progression settings, as it really snowballs your MP to cast raises. AST For males who want to replicate this look but want to stay away from the garters that this miss has opted for, you really can’t go wrong with a pant choice here. Large spreadsheets done by Nemekh and Allagan Studies (formerly known as TheoryJerks). Earthly Star, while it is 200 damage potency at full charge, can be beneficial even when uncharged. Dissipation is an interesting ability. This is assuming a 12 minute pull. Gamepedia. Thanks to Zyrkhan Dar’locke for his help in translating my ramblings into English and proof reading my spreadsheets. For example, if we have 10,000 health, and a 2,000 shield, a 3,000 hit would leave us at 9,000 health. Then, you have Aetherdam I, II, III (the traits). And, with this current state of the job, there are many options that are outright better than Succor, such as Consolation or Sacred Soil. Slightly delaying a buff can allow for better uptime without losing a usage. Scholars are accompanied by a fairy, which aids them in their duties. Build up charges every so often, use charges for a variety of role specific abilities. This applies for specific kill times. Eating the 90+100 from using a Ruin II->Indom can become a 290 potency Broil III, which results in a net 100 potency gain. oGCDs with no cost are usually the first to be used, with the ones with the highest cost, GCDs, being a last resort. This guide is oriented towards people of any level of play. 54. you need to be logged in to love. This is abusing the spaghetti coding of the game to get casts off as you move. Aesthetically and thematically, Fairy + Book … Adloquium heals for 300 potency and then provides a shield equalling 125% the amount healed. This action will also erect a barrier equaling the amount of HP restored. This is what is consumed when you use Energy Drain (or later spells). In terms of movement, Scholar has, in no particular order, Art of War, Biolysis, Ruin II, and Swiftcast. Consider only shielding if: An example of scenario one include Ion Efflux spam at the end of Final Omega (Savage) or Tumult & Voice of the Land spam at the end of Titan (Savage). However, there are times where shielding is necessary. This is a MUST watch for anyone wanting to learn how higher level play operates. Santa Claus. It is important for you as a Scholar to understand some of the basics of your cohealer. Adds an additional effect to Sacred Soil that grants healing over time. Weaving is ideal for maximizing your DPS. Sign In. Lower Piety will generally result in higher DPS as long as you have the MP to do DPS. The same applies to all DPS mitigation tools. Recitation will rarely if ever be used for this purpose, but it is an aspect of the ability. Use this as your main priority stat wise. You can clear while not using these abilities, but it makes the entire run infinitely harder than it has to be. The goal of this guide is to give insight into how the job is operating in our current raid environment. This is extremely prevalent in healing, and makes up the basis for how healing decisions are made. It allows the Scholar to maintain a constant healthy mana pool and gives the Scholar resources to cast his or her signature abilities, such as Lustrate and Sacred Soil. This skill was massively reworked in terms of use and effectiveness in Shadowbringers. This will take some getting used to, and you can lose casts if you aren’t careful. Scholar BiS sets are designed around having the appropriate Spell Speed tier to hit this GCD. This action summons Seraph while removing Eos or Selene for the duration Sereph is on the field for. During the fourth floor of Deltascape Savage, Exdeath, Chain Stratagem came up during the Black Holes phase – a phase that required a heavy amount of movement. If you double weave fairy actions, the second can take a long time to execute. Bosses teleporting or jumping across the map works in a very similar fashion. You have no oGCD options for AOE healing. 2 Turtle Doves. Although they differ depending on your role, additional actions are shared by multiple jobs. When the boss is going to disappear for an extended period of time, it can be used to get one last instance of damage as it leaves. Taking a potency loss from using an Indom can result in a net gain if it prevented your cohealer from casting a GCD to heal. It plays a massive part in how much damage we deal, as well as how much we heal. Each Aetherflow ability we use grants 10 Fairy Gauge, which can then be used to execute extra fairy abilities. A certain value of this will always be necessary. Fey blessing has a resource lock similar to Fey Union, as it costs 10 fairy gauge. There are a few things to know in regards to maximizing your damage potential and getting the most casts off during an encounter. This is what is called diminishing returns. This is important for all healers, including Scholar, as your party members using their tools is essential for you to maximize your potential damage output. It costs 90 potency from a Ruin II weave, but that can be negated when you can weave it in a Biolysis window. This can happen with all fairy actions and is extremely annoying when it does. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 260. They have more potency than Indom. Be sure to communicate with your team when this skill is coming up. Fae aether can be consumed to execute Dissipation. Upon learning the action Aetherpact, the Faerie Gauge will be displayed, indicating accumulated fae aether.Fae aether is accumulated by using actions such as Lustrate and Excogitation, which can then be used to execute Aetherpact or Fey Blessing (acquired at level 76). Faerie Gauge. As soon as you hit 80% mana you need to blow through your … In a lot of ways, healers are the most influential jobs in any party. Potentially, this action can save a Ruin II use. A common mistake that new Scholars often make is an excess of shielding. 429k. And not using Sacred Soil for optimal healing up time? This can result in a death, so make sure your shields are applied early enough for outgoing damage. User Info: silgado106. Depending on ping, we can execute the early Biolysis refresh either with a 2.43 GCD (extremely tight! This means the hit is now 90,000. For example, Sacred Soil will get 10% more potency when placed upon an Asylum being used, this also applies to whispering dawn and other oGCDs like Indom. They can not make your life easier if they don’t know what will help you. Lustrate is still a powerful button in case someone takes an unnecessary hit, or you need some emergency tank healing when alternatives are on cooldown. Aetherflow Media «Adamantoise » 11. you need to be logged in to love. Each Energy Drain, even when weaved with Ruin II, is a 10 potency gain. This is a single target heal that is off the global cooldown. Scholar Aetherflow Trigger [Discussion] ... also known as FFXIV or FF14. When going for maximum damage sets, it is mathematically better to opt into direct hit over spell speed or determination. This is important because you could have a 50,000 shield on someone and a 500 NOCT shield would override it. A Succor shield can be deployed off of the target that didn’t get hit for some fairly nice value. There isn’t particularly an “optimal” time to use Lucid Dreaming, as its really dependant on how you’re healing a fight. December 2020 . Ex: Burn, poison, Windburn. This allows you to instantly cast the next spell. This stat increases damage dealt and healing dealt, much like a small direct potency gain. Aetherflow Media «Adamantoise» 29. you need to be logged in to love. Again, these changes need to be communicated with the party, as a delayed Chain will not be as effective if the party does not know that it is happening. This is another aspect of Scholar’s kit that makes it so powerful. Order pet to refrain from attacking until you attack or are attacked. Instantly draws target party member to your side. This recast time is the time between starting one cast before you’re allowed to do another. Register. MP is almost never a problem if you’ve got that down. When preparing to heal with a WHM in an optimized setting, you need to first see where their Assize healing will line up with raid damage. It is not worth it to hold this as the loss in DPS is generally not worth the healing. Direct hit functions as sort of a “mini crit”. In reality, many of them do not see much use in current content. Instances of incoming damage to party members in this game are very spread out, which allows healers to abuse their powerful oGCD healing tools to handle healing while they DPS. Here is a list of current mechanical changes since Stormblood: Aetherflow. Upgrades Ruin to Broil and increases the potency of Ruin II and Art of War to 160. It has some optimization uses, such as saving people uptime by pulling them back to the boss after a knockback. Its best usages are when paired with other oGCD options. This is done with only NIN/BRD/SCH/DRG for the sake of making a smaller chart. Has all substats at 80 which is useful for figuring out melds. There are a few core basics that will push you to become a solid player. 4.8k. However in a static and speed running environment, these can be better planned for greater gains, especially when you know your expected kill time. If you put a shield on the tank and that tank then gets hit by an auto attack, the shield will be smaller by the amount of damage done from that auto. If moving a Divine Veil will save a healing GCD, let the PLD know. Fae … Ideally we avoid using Ruin II if at all possible, but it’s much worse to lose casts while running. It is important to weigh the costs of using Dissipation for this reason. Heals and shielding do not apply at once They roll out based on the distance of the target from the Scholar. Unlike Scholar, their filler GCD Malefic allows them a free weave after every cast. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 290. You do not have to weave this, you can use it during your GCDs at no loss. Notably, the Galvanize shield does not stack with Astrologian’s Nocturnal Field, however the Catalyze shield does. This chart provides a good example of what healing priorities look like. If this pull ends at 9:20-9:59, there is no possible way to gain another Chain Stratagem during the course of the encounter. This spell summons the fairy to your side, in either her Selene or Eos stance. Because of this, the potencies on her skills are less than what is advertised on the tooltips. Scholar’s entire kit revolves around Aetherflow. Ruin II is a very good option for movement. When set to guard, automatically casts Embrace on party members who suffer damage. Have comments you want to share? This means that stacking these will result in massive heals, which can be extremely helpful when you want to maximize the potency of your healing. Unless the tank is full health, you will ALWAYS get something out of Excog. This is especially prominent in instances where a deployed Adloquium is used. Notably sprint also takes up TWO oGCD slots to weave properly (you can’t use another single weave after it). It is much more technical and complicated than this, and it is almost impossible to recoup at 0:50s, but that is the general gist. The Faerie Gauge will indicate how much time remains before she must return. It is a 200 potency heal with a shield that equals the amount healed. If Star comes up before damage, it can be better to detonate a “baby” Star and take the 50 potency loss rather than forcing the SCH into an 90 potency loss from Ruin weaving or 100 from using an Aetherflow heal. Monk, Warrior, Bard, Tanks, and Healers all have ways to increase healing received, while all healers have a way to increase the amount of healing from their own GCD heals.. Healing increases, such as Fey Illumination, scale multiplicatively, not additively. Sereph also has a more powerful version of Embrace called Seraphic Veil. (Assuming their knockback prevention isn’t up). The name really describes this skill; it is used in emergencies for a burst heal. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%. You have 9 Broils, but you can obviously fit 10 in there with optimal spellspeed stats. 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In Shadowbringers your second Biolysis refresh either with a 2.43 GCD ( extremely!... On Succor, Indomitability, Earthly Star, Horoscope, Celestial Opposition, and stop arguing about is. Energy Drain-90 from a Ruin II like you would any other job that!